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Birthday getaway – Dubai

Last Thursday was my birthday and I kind of decided last minute (well two weeks before that) to fly to Dubai for the occasion. My best friend lives there and I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate my… 26 years. Flights were unexpectedly cheap, so after a whole day of work on Wednesday, I took a night flight and here I was, waking up on my birthday in Dubai!

As my friend lives in Dubai Marina, my first stop was “The Beach” of course!

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The Beach has really developed since last year when I first came here, there was only a parking lot here. Now you have a beach, a walk with restaurants and shops and a cinema.

At night, we went to a one-man show, a French humorist, Jamel Debbouze, who is really famous in France. Good laughs then we headed to Roberto’s in DIFC where I ate my “birthday cake” and drank wine to celebrate my birthday. We were seated outside on the terrace and could admire the highest tower in the world, Burj Khalifa.

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I will never forget my birthday, a night of laughters, good company and good music!

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