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Majestic Moscow – part 1

I went to Moscow with my best friend during the last May Bank holiday week-end. I had never been to Russia and we decided, why not? We had to apply for a Visa, so we booked our flights and hotel beforehand.

Upon arrival in Moscow, I have been ripped off by the taxi, so if you have international roaming, you would be better off using Uber, it is very cheap there!

So on our fist day, we went to the famous Red Square.


After which we wandered in Gum and Tsum, the famous department stores.

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We saw a lovely terrace while going out of Tsum, so we had lunch at Chips.

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Saint Basil Cathedral

In the evening, my Russian friend met us and we went to the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Moscow Music Theatre to watch Swan Lake ballet. It was the most beautiful show I have ever seen.

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We called it a night and one the second day, after instructions from my friend, we went to a place to buy some souvenirs, which is not in the centre itself.

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On our way back, we tried caviar at Café Pushkin!

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Caviar and a shot of vodka, as one does.

Our friend then met us and we had Saturday lunch at LavkaLavka restaurant.


Savoury profiteroles




Fresh berry limonades


Chocolate dessert

The food is sourced from local farmers and producers, and is extremely fresh and tasty.

I didn’t expect the food to be that good, and also thanks to the ruble devaluation, so cheap!



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