Happy new year!

Happy new year to all my readers!

This year has been exceptional, even though I’ve had less time than thought to blog.

Reflecting back, I did more and more shoots and met photographers through friends and Instagram. I think social media is a very powerful tool, when you meet like-minded people with the same interests and passion.

My Instagram has been growing to 1,600 followers and the Facebook page has reached 100 likes. Again, I would have never achieved this without you, so thank you!

This year I hope to do more shoots, meet more photographers here in London, and am ready to start collaborations as well, may it be with brands or fellow bloggers.

On a personal note, this year has been extremely rich as well. I have moved to my own flat, quit and started the job of my dreams, and started to study for a finance certificate! Woah, times have never been so busy.

This year I am not taking any resolutions, as I think it is up to each one of us to take action on a daily basis and start changing step by step. I have enough of people wanting to change but who do not make any effort whatsoever to change anything. I think it takes hard work, dedication and motivation, but if one sets an achievable goal and keeps this target in mind, he can and will achieve anything. I am not saying it is easy, but I think it is a mindset that we should all adopt. Take action, take action on your life and embrace the change.

Happy New Year.


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