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Autumn feeling

Two weeks ago, I had my first shoot with a London-based photographer. Now having more than 1,600 followers in Instagram, I get now and then direct messages to collaborate. I talked with Rizi for a few days and we decided to meet once before shooting. It was really fun to talk about photography, blogging, apps, etc.

So on the Saturday, before going to the Louis Vuitton Series 3 exhibition, we met to shoot.


Dress: Mango, Fur scarf, Shoes: Dune, Rings: Topshop

We enjoyed this session but there were a lot of people walking around us!


The height of the heels makes them very comfortable, ideal for work and a night out/date.

Dune shoes

Very Manolo Blahnik-like

dsc_0070 dsc_0081

On the bridge


Fancy some coffee?

After the session we went to the Louis Vuitton exhibition also with a friend.

I must say that I was very happy to collaborate with Rizi and hope to do so again soon. The power of social media never ceases to amaze me. You get to meet people you wouldn’t normally meet on a daily basis, yet your passion for fashion and photography unites you.

I just had another shooting today with another photographer which will be online in the week.

If you liked the look, please hype it on Lookbook.



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