
Christmas in London

Well, here is my first post on London! I went to Paris last week so will also tell you about it later.

I’ve been living in London for almost two years now, and I am always so amazed.

Today I went to Somerset House for Guy Bourdin’s exhibition. In these festive times, Somerset House has installed a skating rink and a Fortnum&Mason themed Christmas tree in the middle.

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There is also a Christmas Arcade on the right where you can buy Fortnum&Mason gifts.

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But, let’s go to the exhibition itself. There were a lot of unpublished works from Guy Bourdin.

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The iconic print.



Vogue Paris.


One can feel how contemporary Guy Bourdin was for his time!

After that, I wandered on the Strand with my friend and we went to the Me London hotel, where we had coffee on the 10th floor. The view from there is amazing.

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Here are some pictures from the interior, both from the 10th floor and the gound level.

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A very modern and elegant place to catch-up on the exhibition we had just seen!

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