Monochrome chic

The weather in London is so unstable! One day it is sunny, the day after raining, the day after cold, etc. One can never really know what to wear, as you’ll need to bring on an average day your pair of sunnies, your umbrella and possibly a scarf?! Haha, anyway, this is not the point.

Yesterday, it indeed was a sunny day in London, who would have thought that?

As I was not sure what to expect, I paired my white skirt with black tights. VoilĂ , no need to complain about the cold or the wind!

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Is it sunny?IMG-20150516-WA0008

Embellished shoulder top: designer in the Philippines, Skirt: Forever21, booties: Zara, bracelet: Asos, nails: KikoIMG-20150516-WA0007 IMG-20150516-WA0005 IMG-20150516-WA0004 IMG-20150516-WA0003


If you don’t want to look like you’re wearing an uniform, wear white for bottoms and black for the top. Doing it the other way around would make you look like a waiter or the like.

As usual, if you liked the look, please hype it on Lookbook, and don’t forget my Instagram


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