En rouge et noir

If you wear red and black in France, you will be “serenaded” with the lyrics from a famous French singer, Jeanne Mas.

En rouge et noir, j’exilerai ma peur, j’irai plus haut que ces montagnes de douleur

The song talks about how the singer would have gone above her (love) fears, wearing red and black.

Anyway, this was not the song that inspired my outfit of the day. I met with Anna for yet another brunch. We headed to Carnaby street’s hidden gem: Kingly Court. It has a nice atmosphere as you can eat outside and are surrounded by trees, lights and other restaurants. We went to Moosh for a healthy breakfast/brunch. One piece of advice: Moosh at Fulham Broadway is much better! I don’t know if it’s because it’s the original but the one at Kingly Court has a limited menu and no pancakes…


Power shoulder blazer: H&M, Dress: Mango, Tights: H&M, Watch: Dolce&Gabbana, bracelet: Asos, booties: JB Martins


Windy London, as usual

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If you liked the look, please Hype it on Lookbook!

Also, I’ve started an Instagram account for the blog, you can follow me @lifeisshort_blog. Have a good week!

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